Its raining conkers!

Are you feeling autumnal yet?  Have you smelt that wonderful smell that tells you that Autumn is on its way, as the weather starts to change and the leaves begin to fall.  I sometimes wonder if it’s just me, or do other people  ‘smell’  the arrival of this wonderfully colourful season.

In autumn last year I wrote a blog called Shiny brown autumn jewels. I have always loved collecting conkers as they fall from the Horse Chestnut Trees, and would normally return home from a walk with Jess at my local park with a pocket full.  Little did I know when I wrote that blog that the following year I would have a whole row of Horse Chestnut trees right outside my front door.  I am living in Conker Heaven!


Sadly the ‘Lord of the Manor’ doesn’t share my conker excitement.  While I wait in anticipation for them to crack open as they fall to the ground, releasing another ‘shiny brown autumn jewel’,  he waits in dread for those ‘spiky little bullets’ to fall from the trees and dent his car!   Maybe a good old game of Conkers will cheer him up a little, and remind him of the fun that can be had.  It would at least take his mind of the wind that is picking up outside, and the inevitable conker downpour.


What do you like most about Autumn?  Is it the change of fashion as we start to feel the need for warmer clothes, and begin to hunt out those wooly jumpers.  Or do you look forward as I do to Mother Nature gradually changing her appearance, from the soft greens of the summer to the golden yellows, rusty reds and coppers of the Autumn.  Maybe you love the sense of coziness the season brings as hot chocolate is added to the shopping list, and you dream of being curled up in front of an open fire with a book on your lap.

Whatever feelings autumn conjures up, I hope you enjoy the changing scenery around you.  Vibrant autumn colours can lift our spirits, and as the natural world around us takes a bit of a rest, we get to enjoy an amazing autumnal performance as we make our way towards the winter months.


I’m going to leave you with one of my Autumn poems as I go and move the ‘L.O.M’s’ car so we can enjoy the ‘conker rain’ together.


As I walk through the park on an autumn day,

sweet memories of childhood, come my way.

Mountains of frost-bitten leaves on the ground

tempting my feet, to kick them around.

Grasping the moment I check the park

no-one around, so with joy I can start,

to spread the leaves, both high and low

reliving those memories, of long ago.



Happy Autumn

Love Alison x













Love Alison x





20 thoughts on “Its raining conkers!

  1. Oh the favorite season Autumn, the temperatures have dropped here, the winds are blowing, and so yes all of my thoughts turn to warmer clothes, comfort foods, pumpkin pie and the gorgeous colors of autumn. Beautiful poem, it speaks to me of the childhood memories I have. Wonderful post Alison.


  2. We always drive around to the scenic part of Ontario to enjoy the Fall colours. Also exploring parts of the woods that are not accessible in the Summer because of the dense foliage. There something about walking in the woods in the Fall that is quite magical…..and peaceful.


  3. Hi Alison, I’m loving catching up with your life after all these years. What great writing. Stumbled on this blog somehow and very glad I did. So good to see you so happy 😘

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Yeah! 😀 Your poem reminded me what I love most about Autumn – kicking those leaves around the park! The colours of the season are glorious, especially on sunny crisp days, the rain and wind I could do without. Yikes! Conker rain sounds painful and definitely a good idea to move the car. I have a feeling a game of conkers wouldn’t enamour your guy anymore to them. No, you are not the only one to smell Autumn, it’s got its own fragrance upon which so many memories rest. Happy Conker Collecting! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love everything about Autumn. The colors of the season, the clothing, the smells, the coziness… It speaks to me! Your poem reminds me of my youth. Confession: I still do that too!

    Liked by 1 person

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