An autumn walk in the Peaks

Covid-19 continues to affect us all in so many different ways. I wonder how it has affected your life as one of the readers of my blog? Im sure we could do breakfast, lunch and dinner with lots of latte’s in between if we were to sit and share our stories of this sad and difficult time in our world.

Over the last few months life as I knew it with the ‘Lord of the Manor’ in our little cottage in the Peaks changed dramatically. I kept moving forward with hope in my heart, and the support of friends both old and new. I wasn’t really sure what I was hoping for, but sometimes time and space from a situation that has become strained can help both parties see a little clearer, feelings can settle and there is nothing like a walk through the beautiful Peak District countryside to begin to restore faith in a relationship that still holds value.

I was pretty sure that you would all enjoy a peek at the Peaks on a beautiful autumn day and wanted to share a little of our walk with you.

I think its a ‘Dipper’

No walk is complete for me without a photo of a wooly friend.

I hope you enjoyed the walk as much as I did. Mother Nature offers so much healing in so many ways and an autumn walk in the Peaks certainly works for me.

Love Alison x

27 thoughts on “An autumn walk in the Peaks

  1. Such a peaceful and beautiful way to heal and connect with all that is beautiful in life, what lovely images. Covid-19 has as you well know, strained being in public. In our area it has reduced local trips to shops and of course many outdoor attractions and such because in our area masks are required in all public areas, so I just stay home, there is only so much time I can be comfortable with a mask on. I am very fortunate that the wetlands is in my neighborhood and close by, masks are not required because very few people are ever there. When we go out in public, we are careful to limit our time to “have tos” to reduce the chances of exposure. Since I live in the country I’m okay with that, our neighborhood is beautiful with lots of wildlife. For me, finding the good in life has become my focus to reduce the negativity and challenges that causes stress. How is Simon doing?

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    1. I find masks very restraining too Laura. A country walk is much nicer than going to a shop. Simon is doing better at tbe moment. His life is filling up a bit and some routine is returning which he needs. Ther will always be anither difficulty lurking around a corner but for niw he is good which also means life is calmer for me. Thankyou for asking Laura x

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  2. I love the walk of the peaks you shared. Thank you. It looks so beautiful.

    I have had enjoyed starting my walks again. Not regular as before. But a start. But I still do plenty of walking if I count walking to both jobs.

    Shops, I try to keep to no more than twice a week.

    And that’s it. I don’t go to cafes, or pubs. Just the above and hang with my neighbour who are part of my circle. My circle is small. Smaller than Government recommendations.

    I see mum fortnightly. But because of a cold that started last week, then I didn’t go. I still have the sniffles in nose and odd asthma attack from it, so I doubt I will be going next week either.

    Evening job, as I have blogged has been difficult because of how its been inaccessible to be as a deaf person, who relies on lipreading.
    Its improved a little since boss has had words. But not as much as I would like. So not enjoyable, in addition to other stuff that has gone on there.
    So a little depressive in parts. But fine when away from there.

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    1. Im glad you enjoyed it Liz. Such refreshing scenery. Im glad you are getting some walking in even if it is back and forth from work. Shops really are a strain for all of us at the moment as breathing behind those masks is difficult and Im sure even more so if you suffer from astma. I do hope you recover soon and stay strong.

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      1. I have got on with wearing the mask better than I thought I would.
        It’s very difficult times for all with this virus going around. But when you have difficulties in life, it can be hell, as I have found. I just focus on the day in hand. I can’t think further than that.

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  3. That was lovely Alison – that first photo is stunning and the water ones too! My life is quieter than before, but I’m okay with that as I’m an introvert. My mother is 94 and although she doesn’t live with me, I’m her only caregiver, so I am extra careful about going out – shopping for only the essentials, appointments etc. No eating in restaurants or crowds, but I get takeout occasionally as I get tired of cooking. I love to read and have tons of time now, plus blog, write and garden, although the season is gearing down. We were in Stage Three all summer, but cases are climbing again with school starting again, so they are talking about rolling back to Stage Two in some more populated areas of my province. I’m more rural, so we have fewer active cases here, just three at the moment. I’ve started walking again every day, after the heat and humidity of the summer, and the cooler weather is refreshing, and I’m looking forward to the leaves changing, but am dreading winter and the snow. It’s one thing to not go out if you don’t want to, and another to be cooped up at home because you can’t!

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    1. Thanks Joni and lovely to hear from you. I can only imagine how difficult it must be with your mum. Caring for elderly parents is tough enough even at the best of times so it must be extremely challenging during Covid. I am a bit of an introvert too so Im not struggling too much with the lack of socializing although we have been going out for a few meals. We now have to wear masks on entering the restaurant and every time you get up from the table so it has taken the joy away from it a bit. Walking is such a lovely way to keep fit and being out in nature is certainly calming. Hope your mum stays well and that you stay strong to cope. x

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      1. Thanks Allison….my mom is well physically and mentally, but the lack of not getting out much is tougher on her. She used to love getting groceries but now that is out too. I take her for drives and with me on errands, and she’s been in a few clothing stores. She paints which keeps her busy and is having an art exhibit this fall, which the museum curator is determined to go on with as she said it will go virtual if they have to lock down again. They just opened the art galleries and museums here recently with limited numbers.

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  4. Your walk in your beloved Peaks seems so peaceful. Your photos are lovely. I had trouble with masks at first but have learned to tolerate mine. Since i live in an apartment building I have to put on my mask every time I go into the hall. The walks I take are on city streets but good exercise. I’m coping. ❤

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  5. A lovely stroll, Alison! I could just burrow my face in the fleece of one of those sheep and perhaps take a nap! In one of the water shots, what appears to be a beaver dam stretches across the stream. Is it, or is it a row of rocks to help people across?

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  6. Those photos are gorgeous, Alison, and you’re so lucky to have such beauty in your “backyard.” Many of them actually remind me of parts of our “backyard” too. 🙂 You’re right about nature being the perfect healer. Our year hasn’t changed drastically because we’ve been able to still work in a safe environment. So our daily routines are pretty much the same. But grocery shopping happens about once a week now instead of shopping on impulse. Staying cooped up in the spring before things relaxed wasn’t fun but our indoor hobbies kept us busy. I actually just met a friend for a chai latte this morning, first time since March. We sat outside and even though we couldn’t drink with the masks on, we felt comfortable with each other sitting across the table. Once the last sip was sipped, our masks went back on and all the tables were far apart. We’re pretty cautious, but I think we all take chances in some way or another just to enjoy life and have some sense of normalcy.
    Living in the here and now, one day at a time, rings even truer these days, doesn’t it? And keeping our sense of humor and ability to find joy through the murky waters helps get us through. Joy, such as this walk you went on and wooly friends who greeted you and the lovely flora and fauna that brought peace. Thank you for sharing and take good care.

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    1. Thankyou Lauren. Yes it is all so beautiful and im glad that life seems to be turning around and that im am still here to enjoy such amazing scenery. I try and shop very occasionally as im not liking the restrictions of wearing a mask. And meals out are certainly not as enjoyable now that masks have to be taken on and off all the time. Friendship however is so important and those coffee times have to be made. I guess we all need to be thankful everyday for our health and wellbeing. I love bumping into sheep along the pathway although cows tend to have me looking for an alternative route.xx

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  7. A beautiful walk Alison.
    Like many of your commenters my life has reduced to ‘have to’ only. One of these is going to work and I’d love to stay home right now!
    Despite being super-cautious my wife managed to get flu last month and a few anxious days ensued, involving his n hers covid tests (which came back negative). But it does illustrate how easy it is to pick up a virus even when doing everything right.
    Stay safe. x

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